
000 License failed to register
·2 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Licensing
000 License failed to register

Reasons why license registration might fail.

000 NEW - Cloud based Licensing
2024-07-251·3 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Licensing
000 NEW - Cloud based Licensing

No more standalone or network licenses

000 Order Flow
2024-07-251·3 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Licensing
000 Order Flow

How to Purchase Bonus Tools

000 Overview list of all tools
2024-07-251·34 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: General
000 Overview list of all tools

A list of all tools and a brief description

000 Privacy Policy
2024-07-251·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: General
000 Privacy Policy

Bonus Tools collects warnings and tool usage data to improve tool performance. All data is securely stored in AWS/Azure databases and not shared with third parties. Users can opt out of data capture via the Ribbon Settings dialog.

001a Renewal
2024-04-25·2 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Licensing
001a Renewal

Thank you for your purchase.

001b New Purchase
2024-04-25·2 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Licensing
001b New Purchase

Thank you for your purchase.

002a Installation - Autodesk
2024-08-02·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Licensing
002a Installation - Autodesk

How to install Bonus Tools using Autodesk .msi installer.

004c KC License Activation
2023-09-14·2 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Licensing
004c KC License Activation

Activate Bonus Tools using the License Key provided.

005 About
·2 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Settings, Licensing
005 About

Learn about the About dialog and options it provides.

006 Ribbon Settings
2025-07-01·6 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Settings
006 Ribbon Settings

View and change the Ribbon Settings. Select the tools you want to see on the Ribbon and re-order them to suit you.

007 Window Watcher Settings
2025-07-01·4 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Settings
007 Window Watcher Settings

View and change the Window Watcher Settings. Add Revit Window names you would like to either block and/or report on the windows activation as part of a Company Standard. This tool is primarily used to block/report on 'In-place Families' and 'Importing of CAD files'.

008 Family Tracker
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
008 Family Tracker

Lists all Loaded Families and/or Groups in the Project and the date of insert and the date of reload (modification). Note: the insertion and modification date are only recorded if Kiwi Codes Bonus Tools or Family Browser are installed and running. From the list, highlight families that are out of date in the project file, reload or repath them.

009 3d Views for All Levels
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
009 3d Views for All Levels

Create a 3d View for each level in the Project. Note: depending on the number of levels, this may take a while.

010 3D Views for all Worksets
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
010 3D Views for all Worksets

Create a 3d View for each Workset and hide all other Worksets in the view. Note: depending on the number of Worksets, this may take a while.

011 3D View for Selected Elements
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
011 3D View for Selected Elements

Create a 3d View with a Section Box around the currently select elements. Specify a margin around the elements to extend the Section Box by.

012 Change Text Case
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
012 Change Text Case

Change text case between Title, UPPER and lower. This applies to Annotation Text, Model Text, Room Names, Area Names, View Names & View Titles on Sheets.

013 Dimensions List
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
013 Dimensions List

Lists all Dimensions within the project. Go to the view hosting the Dimension. Delete the Dimension. See if it has a text override.

014 Create Floors from Rooms
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
014 Create Floors from Rooms

Create Floors using rooms as the perimeter.

015 Elements on Levels
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
015 Elements on Levels

Lists all elements on a selected level. Cycle through the levels in the Project to see what elements are hosted to it.

016 In Place Family List
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
016 In Place Family List

Lists all In-Place Families within the project. Go to the view hosting the In-Place Family. Delete the In-Place Family.

017 Referencing File List
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
017 Referencing File List

Lists all Revit, DWG and Image references within the project. Go to the view hosting the Referencing File. Delete the Referencing File.

018 Remove all Views
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Review Views
018 Remove all Views

Removes all views from the Project except for the active view (if all other views are closed) or last view created (if multiple views are open). Help reduce the file size before issuing to consultants or archiving the model.

019 Remove Unused Views
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Review Views
019 Remove Unused Views

Remove unwanted views that causes the file size to bloat.

020 Section Creator
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
020 Section Creator

Creates a perpendicular or parallel section to the selected wall. Note: a wall must be selected before activating this command.

021 Sheet Duplication
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
021 Sheet Duplication

Duplicate one or many sheets. Place views on Sheets in bulk.

022 Views to Sheets
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
022 Views to Sheets

Swap unwanted Groups out for Families. Select one - symbol or detail item or generic model and group before running this tool.

023 Swap Groups for Families
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
023 Swap Groups for Families

Use a Families X and Y location to place Points on a Topography Surface. Use this tool to insert points at a X,Y location on a Topography Surface, the Z location value is the height of the Topography Surface at the specified point.

024 Place Points on Topography
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Topography Tools
024 Place Points on Topography

Use a Families X, Y and Z location to add Points to a Topography Surface. Use this tool to make a Topography Surface follow the underside of a Floor.

025 Add Points to Topography
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Topography Tools
025 Add Points to Topography

Creates Lines around the boundary edges of the select topography in: Plan, 3D or Section.

026 Topography Surface Edge
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Topography Tools
026 Topography Surface Edge

Updates Sections Referencing Sheets. Note: you must be in a Section or Elevation view before activating this command.

027 Update Referencing Sheets
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Topography Tools
027 Update Referencing Sheets

Lists all Reference Planes in the project. Go to the view showing the Reference Plane. Delete the Reference Plane.

028 Reference Plane List
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
028 Reference Plane List

Lists all view templates, and views using those view templates. Before modifying a view templates settings gather a list of all views that will be affected by the changes.

029 View Template Map
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
029 View Template Map

Enter an element Id to find its Name. Find the Name of a corrupted element in the project file.

029a View Template Map
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
029a View Template Map

Enter an element Id to find its Name. Find the Name of a corrupted element in the project file.

030 Element Selector – By Id
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
030 Element Selector – By Id

Setting Out Points Select the Generic Family to use as the setting out point marker and enter the desired shared parameters to use in a schedule.

031 Setting Out Points
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
031 Setting Out Points

Renumber Setting Out Points. Renumber Major Setting out Points.

032 Navisworks to Revit
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
032 Navisworks to Revit

Convert a Navisworks XML report into clash points and 3D views placed on sheet(s).

033a Excel Tools Export Category to Excel
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033a Excel Tools Export Category to Excel

Export any Category to Excel. Select the Category, phase and parameters to export to Excel.

033b Excel Tools Export Schedule to Excel
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033b Excel Tools Export Schedule to Excel

Export any Schedule to Excel. Select the Schedule to export to Excel.

033c Excel Tools Import from Excel
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033c Excel Tools Import from Excel

Import any Element changes from Excel. Select any Excel file that is formatted as per the Export function.

033d Excel Tools Export Formatted Category to Excel
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033d Excel Tools Export Formatted Category to Excel

Export any Category to a Formatted Excel file. Note: One-way Export. Select the Category, phase and parameters to export to Excel.

033e Excel Tools Export Formatted Schedule to Excel
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033e Excel Tools Export Formatted Schedule to Excel

Export any Schedule to a Formatted Excel file. Note: One-way Export. Select the Schedule to export to Excel.

033f Excel Tools Export Room Template
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033f Excel Tools Export Room Template

Export a Room schedule template in Excel. Exports a formatted template ready for new Room data.

033g Excel Tools Import New Rooms
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033g Excel Tools Import New Rooms

Imports an creates place holders for Rooms. Select any Excel file that is formatted as per the Export Room Template function.

033h Excel Tools Export Sheet Template
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033h Excel Tools Export Sheet Template

Export a Sheet schedule template in Excel. Exports a formatted template ready for new Sheet data.

033i Excel Tools Import New Sheets
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033i Excel Tools Import New Sheets

Imports an creates place holders for Sheets. Select any Excel file that is formatted as per the Export Sheet Template function.

033j Excel Tools Dummy Schedule
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Excel Tools
033j Excel Tools Dummy Schedule

Recreate an Excel Schedule within Revit using Revit Schedule Headers. Select an Excel Schedule to recreate in Revit.

034 Shared Parameters
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
034 Shared Parameters

Bulk load Shared Parameters into one or more Family files.

035 View Filters
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
035 View Filters

Copy view filters and their settings from one view to multiple other views. Copy view filters and their settings from one view or view template to multiple other views or view templates.

036 Sheet Revisions
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
036 Sheet Revisions

View the matrix between Revisions and Sheets. Tick/untick revisions and click the “Apply Revisions to Sheets” button to bulk update Sheets. Cells with a red background indicate the Revision is controlled by a Revision Cloud. To delete the Cloud double click on the cell.

037 Highlight 2D Elements
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Highlight Elements
037 Highlight 2D Elements

Highlight 2D elements across a project. Check how many 2D patches have been applied to you project. Note: Complete this procedure on a copy of the file as it "Override Graphics in View" by "Element"

038 View Duplication
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
038 View Duplication

Quickly duplicate multiple views. Duplicate views by replicating dependant existing views (with optional sheets), or by duplicating views based of other views or by level.

039 Align Sheets
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
039 Align Sheets

Align viewports on selected Sheets with a master Sheet setup.

040 Copy Parameter Values
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
040 Copy Parameter Values

Copy Parameter Values from one Parameter to another. Choose a parameter from the current element or its host or level, and the parameter to copy it to.

041 Room Number to Doors and Windows
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
041 Room Number to Doors and Windows

Copy a Room Number to Doors and Windows with a Alpha extension. Quickly align Door and Window numbers with rooms.

042 Wall Dimensions
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
042 Wall Dimensions

Wall Dimensions a string of Walls to their exterior face. Select two or more walls.

043 Place Family Types
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
043 Place Family Types

Place workplane based family types in a row within the current view. Array families vertically and family types horizontally.

044 SheetEMup
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
044 SheetEMup

Duplicate a sheet and select the views.

045 Renumber Parameter
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
045 Renumber Parameter

Renumber any Text, Integer, Number or Length Parameter.

046 Highlight 3D Elements
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Highlight Elements
046 Highlight 3D Elements

Highlight 3D elements across a project. Highlight 3D elements according to parameter values.

047 Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
047 Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass

Quickly convert Areas or Rooms To Mass by Selecting Areas or Rooms as the starting point

048 Location Point
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
048 Location Point

Add a families location point to a parameter.

049 Room/Area Point
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
049 Room/Area Point

Centre the Room/Area location points.

050 Import/Export Points
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
050 Import/Export Points

Import/Export location points.

051 Copy Areas
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
051 Copy Areas

Copy Areas between Area Schemes. There is no way to Copy Areas between Area Schemes within Revit.

052 Renumber Category
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
052 Renumber Category

Remove duplicate mark warnings from selected Categories This tool renumbers ALL elements within selected Categories by using the Element Id.

053 Show Warnings
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
053 Show Warnings

Highlight and Isolate warnings in any view. Run this tool to highlight and Isolate warnings in any view.

054 Help File
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Help
054 Help File

Your Companies Help File.

055 Bonus Tools Help
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Help
055 Bonus Tools Help

Bonus Tools Help.

056 Print Revisions
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
056 Print Revisions

Print Sheets based on their Current Revision.

057 DWF Markups
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
057 DWF Markups

Displays all DWF Markups.

058 File Coordinates
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
058 File Coordinates

Outputs the coordinates of the current file and all linked files. Check the coordination between files.

059 Clash Importer
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
059 Clash Importer

Convert an XML report into clash points and 3D views placed on sheet(s).

060 View Underlay
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
060 View Underlay

View and change Plan View underlays in bulk. Select one or many Views and the desired View Underlay (including None) and update in bulk.

061 Sheets File
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
061 Sheets File


062 Copy Monitored Elements
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
062 Copy Monitored Elements

View all copy monitored Elements.

063 Element overrides
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
063 Element overrides

View and remove Element overrides in a View.

064 Floor to Follow Topography
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Topography Tools
064 Floor to Follow Topography

Make a Floor follow a Topography. Note: You can add more Points and rerun the tool.

065 Floor to Match Topography
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Topography Tools
065 Floor to Match Topography

Make a Floor match a Topography. Note: Use 26 Topography Surface Edge first to set the Floor Boundaries to equal the Topography.

066 Topography to Follow Floor
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Topography Tools
066 Topography to Follow Floor

Make a Topography follow a Floor. Note: You will need to remove and add secondary points as required.

067 Extensible Storage List
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
067 Extensible Storage List

Lists all Extensible Storage schemas within a Project. Double click on a schema(row) to see the fields associated to the schema.

068 Section Box To Scope Box
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: 3D Views
068 Section Box To Scope Box

Makes a Section Box match a selected Scope Box. Within a 3d View select a Scope Box and run the tool.

069 Section Box to Scope Box updater
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: 3D Views
069 Section Box to Scope Box updater

Compile a matrix list between Scope Boxes and 3D Views. At any time bulk update 3D Views Section Boxes to match changed Scope Boxes.

070 Folder creator
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
070 Folder creator

Add place holder Views and Sheets into the Project Browser to guide users with filing of Views. Based on the existing Browser Organisation, specify names for user editable Parameters.

071 RDS tool
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
071 RDS tool

Quickly create Views for each Room. Create: Floor Plans, Ceiling Plans, Elevations, 3Ds, Schedules and Sheets for each Room.

072 Workset creator
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
072 Workset creator

Quickly enable and create Worksets based on a template. Create a save a template structure for Worksets.

073 Unused Elevation Markers
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Review Views
073 Unused Elevation Markers

View and delete unused Elevation Markers. View and remove unwanted Elevation Markers quickly.

074 View Renamer
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Standards
074 View Renamer

Name Views based on a set of criteria. Use View Parameters to control View Names.

075 Family Type Renamer
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
075 Family Type Renamer

Rename Family and Type names to comply with Standards. Select a Category to Exports Element Name and Type Names to Excel to change and then Import the modifications.

076 Element Tracker
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
076 Element Tracker

This tool will allow you to communicate to Consultants any changes within a week.

077 Project Parameters
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
077 Project Parameters

View and bulk assign Shared Parameters to Categories. View the matrix between Project Parameters and Categories.

078 Plan Regions
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
078 Plan Regions

Bulk copy Plan Regions between Views. Identify template Views with Plan Regions to copy to one or many other Views.

079 Grid Alignment
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
079 Grid Alignment

Bulk align Grid 2D extents between Views. Identify template Views with 2D Grid extents to copy to one or many other Views.

080 Revision List
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
080 Revision List

Lists all Revisions in a List. Export the List to Excel.

081 Floor To Follow Floor
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
081 Floor To Follow Floor

Make a Floor follow another Floor. Note: You can add more Points and rerun the tool.

082 Detail Group To View Map
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
082 Detail Group To View Map

Check which Views, Details groups are added to. Delete Detail Groups from Views. Swap a Detail Group for another. Export the Map to Excel.

083 Create Area Lines
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
083 Create Area Lines

Quickly convert Detail Lines to to Area Lines. To run the tool first go to an Area Plan with Detail Lines and select the Detail Line.

084 Scope Box Map
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
084 Scope Box Map

View which Scope Boxes are in use.

085 Line Patterns
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
085 Line Patterns

View all Line Patterns in the Project. Bulk delete unwanted Line Patterns.

086 Rename number Sheets
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
086 Rename number Sheets

Quickly rename and number Sheets.

087 3D Room Tags
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
087 3D Room Tags

Create 3d Room Tags using a Generic Model Family. Note: you must select at least the Room Element Id which is used for updates.

088 Element Properties
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
088 Element Properties

Enter one or more Element ID's and View their Parameters. Use in conjunction with Element Tracker Deletions to view Elements that are to be deleted.

089 Open Views
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
089 Open Views

Bulk open multiple View is one go. Set Revit to bulk opens Views removing the manual process.

090 Copy View Templates
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
090 Copy View Templates

Copy one or more View Templates from one or more Linked files.

091 Advanced Sheet Duplication
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
091 Advanced Sheet Duplication

Duplicate one or many Sheets from any File.

092 Copy Plan Region By Parameter
2025-07-01·3 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
092 Copy Plan Region By Parameter

Bulk copy Plan Regions between Views by Parameter. Add a Parameter to Views and insert the View Type and Name separated by a semicolon i.e. 'Floor Plan : Level 1', this will be the View it copies the Plan Regions from.

093 Grid Alignment By Parameter
2025-07-01·3 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
093 Grid Alignment By Parameter

Bulk align Grid 2D extents between Views by Parameter. Add a Parameter to Views and insert the View Type and Name separated by a semicolon i.e. 'Floor Plan : Level 1', this will be the View it aligns the grid from.

094 View And Family Selection
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Highlight Elements
094 View And Family Selection

View and select families in bulk. Load details about the select families and go to a View in Revit to find and isolate usage.

095 Family Standards
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
095 Family Standards

View the Family Standards for a Project. View the following properties for all Families within a Project: Sub Categories, Line Patterns, Fill Patterns, Materials, Parameters, Text and Labels, and Dimensions.

096 Room Paint Bomb
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Painting
096 Room Paint Bomb

Bulk Paint Walls, Floors, Ceilings and Roofs by Room Material. Quickly Paint Walls, Floors, Ceilings and Roofs to match a Material assigned to a Room.

097 Room Paint Report
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Painting
097 Room Paint Report

Report on Painted Walls surrounding Rooms. Choose the Material Parameter i.e. Name, Mark and write the Materials back to the Room.

098 Find Painted Elements
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Painting
098 Find Painted Elements

Find all Painted Elements with a Project. Isolate selected Elements and bulk remove Paint from faces.

099 Copy Scope Box
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
099 Copy Scope Box

Copy Scope Boxes between files. If a Scope Box with the same name already exists, the tool will delete, create and reconnect the Views connected to the old Scope Box.

100 Schedule Usage
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
100 Schedule Usage

View what Sheets a Schedule is placed on. Quickly view how many times a Schedule has been place prior to deleting or modifying it.

101 Select Title Blocks
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
101 Select Title Blocks

Bulk change multiple Title Blocks. Select a range of Title Blocks by Sheet Number or Name etc.

102 Revision Clouds
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
102 Revision Clouds

Convert Revision Cloud data to a Revit Dummy Schedule. View Revision Clouds within the Entire Project or Current Sheet, showing all Revision Clouds or only those that have not been issued.

103 Wall Direction
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
103 Wall Direction

Calculate the orientation a Wall i.e. N, S, E, W etc. Apply orientation to a selected parameter.

104 Replace Line Styles
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
104 Replace Line Styles

Swap all Model and Detail Lines within a View or Project with another Line Style. Note: this will note swap Lines within a Group or Filled Region etc.

105 Tag All
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
105 Tag All

Tag All Elements by one or more View. Select the Tag, Category and Views to Tag.

106 Schedule Browser
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
106 Schedule Browser

Browser Schedule by Category and Group by Prefix or Suffix. Quickly navigate Schedules using this Schedule Browser.

107 Next Number
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
107 Next Number

View what Sheets a Schedule is placed on. Find the next sequential number for any Parameter.

108 Add Project Shared Parameters
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
108 Add Project Shared Parameters

Bulk load Shared Parameters into a Project.

109 Topography to Follow Topography
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Topography Tools
109 Topography to Follow Topography

Make a Topography follow another Topography.

110 Legend Usage
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
110 Legend Usage

Determined how many Sheets a Legend is placed on. Quickly and accurately determine if a Legend can be deleted.

111 Shared Parameter Usage
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
111 Shared Parameter Usage

Determined which Project and Shared Parameters have Values assigned to them prior to deletion. For each Parameter, view all Categories associated to the Parameter, and all the distinct Values.

112 Dockable Dialog
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
112 Dockable Dialog

Output dialog for all Bonus Tools tools. Removes the many dialogs that some Bonus Tools tools require.

113 Dockable Element Dialog
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
113 Dockable Element Dialog

View Element Properties as they are added/modified/deleted. Ensure you only have the Elements selected you want to delete or modify.

114 Fill Patterns
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
114 Fill Patterns

View all Fill Pattern, Drafting and Model and bulk delete. The Tools will attempt to return all used of the Fill Pattern. Note there are limitations.

115 Search Tools
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Help
115 Search Tools

Search and run a Tool. Struggling to find the tool you need? Search and run it from this dialog.

116 Line Styles
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
116 Line Styles

View all Line Styles and bulk delete. The Tools will attempt to return all uses of the Line Styles. Note there are limitations.

117 3d Selection Box
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: 3D Views
117 3d Selection Box

Create a 3d from a Selection box. Draw a selection box and a 3d will be created to that size.

118 Design Option List
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
118 Design Option List

List all Design Options and related Views. Check which Views are connected to a Design Option.

119 Areas To Rooms
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
119 Areas To Rooms

Convert Areas to Rooms. Also transfers Values within Parameters. Note: Walls and Room Seperation Lines should be per placed to remove warnings.

120 Dynamic Warnings
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
120 Dynamic Warnings

Display warnings for selected items. View, select and isolate warnings dynamically.

121 Document Marcos
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
121 Document Marcos

Lists all Application and Document Modules. Bulk delete. View all Macros within a Module. Bulk Delete.

122 Element Usage
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
122 Element Usage

Shows the Usage of Materials, Material Assets, Filled Regions, Fill Patterns, Line Patterns, Reference Planes and Filters. Bulk remove unused elements.

123 Sub Category Map
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
123 Sub Category Map

Export and Import Category and Sub-Category settings. Will create Default Materials and Material Assets and Line Patterns.

124 Update Key Plan
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
124 Update Key Plan

Bulk set or update intelligent Key Plans. Where a Sheet contains a Nested Family controlled by a Family Parameter, and a View has a Scope Box applied that is named exactly the same as the, Family Type names, then this tool will adjust all Nested Families to match the Scope Box.

125 Auto View Renamer
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
125 Auto View Renamer


126 Family Info
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
126 Family Info

Export Style information to Excel. Includes, Dimensions, Text, Labels, Fill Patterns and Line Pattens.

127 Style Output
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
127 Style Output

Export Style information to Excel. Includes, Dimensions, Text, Labels, Fill Patterns and Line Pattens.

128 Filter Usage
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
128 Filter Usage

Copy view filters and their settings from one view to multiple other views. Copy view filters and their settings from one view or view template to multiple other views or view templates.

129 Relationships
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Parameters
129 Relationships

Check relationships before deleting an Element. View Floor hosted Elements before deleting a Floor.

130 Review Warnings
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
130 Review Warnings

Highlight and Isolate warnings in any view. Run this tool to highlight and Isolate warnings in any view.

131 Repath Revit Locally
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Linking
131 Repath Revit Locally

Select Files locally to repath. File Names must match.

132 Reload From Links
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Linking
132 Reload From Links

Use tool 133 first, then update the Excel for this tool to work. This method requires more details to create a External Resource Reference.

133 Export Links
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Linking
133 Export Links

Export to Excel a list of links and their details. Can be used to repath C4R links. This method requires more details to create a External Resource Reference.

134 Remove Other Sub Categories
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
134 Remove Other Sub Categories

Run within a Family, will remove all subcategories from other Categories. Quickly Remove all unwanted subcategories that load into a project via none active Categories.

135 Print And Export
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
135 Print And Export


136 Export Revit Server Models
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
136 Export Revit Server Models

Lists all Models within Revit Server for this Revit Version for download. Lists all models, then allow for selection and download locally in bulk. Will put in brackets the Version (last sync'd copy) of the Revit file in brackets.

137 Keynote Browser
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
137 Keynote Browser

Modify and Assign Keynotes within Revit within a controlled dialog. Modify the Keynote Text file within a user interface that enforces standards and file stability.

138 Family Standards Advanced
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
138 Family Standards Advanced

A Washing Machine to clean Families. This is a powerfull tool that SHOULD NOT be run on a live library. ONLY run this on a copied library!

139 Pinned Elements
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
139 Pinned Elements

Lists all Pinned Elements within a View. Find all Pinned Elements.

140 List Elements in Views
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Highlight Elements
140 List Elements in Views

Returns all Elements within a View via Excel.

141 Constrained Elements
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
141 Constrained Elements

142 KiwiCodes Audit
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Power
142 KiwiCodes Audit

Returns some basic stats about a File to a Sheet with a type called 'Splash-Screen'.

143 Convert DWGs
2025-07-01·2 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Time Saving
143 Convert DWGs

Convert Linked CAD files to Revit Line Work.

144 Material Usage Reassignment
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
144 Material Usage Reassignment

View Material applications to selectively reassign.

145 Layer Properties
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Modelling
145 Layer Properties

Extract System Family Layer Properties.

146 Keynote Usage
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Lists
146 Keynote Usage

View Keynote Usage.

147 Hatch Pattern
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Modelling
147 Hatch Pattern

Create a Revit Hatch Pattern. Use Revit line work to develop custom hatch patterns. Extract newly created and existing hatch patterns.

149 Process Standards
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Standards
149 Process Standards

Process Standards.

150 Clean C4R Files
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Cloud
150 Clean C4R Files

Clears C4R files from user's profile. Note: Next load of a C4R file will take longer. Limit the use of this tool.

151 Reset & Sync
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Cloud
151 Reset & Sync

This tool automates 4 steps. Open the default View, Close hidden, Save and Sync.

152 Reset, Sync & Compact
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Cloud
152 Reset, Sync & Compact

This tool automates 5 steps. Open the default View, Close hidden, Save, Sync and Compact.

153 Workset Mover
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Worksets
153 Workset Mover

Move selected Elements to the active Workset. Connect to a Shortcut Key for fast activation.

154 Set Active View Workset
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Worksets
154 Set Active View Workset

Sets the Active Workset based on the selected Elements Workset. Connect to a Shortcut Key for fast activation.

155 Isolate By Workset
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Worksets
155 Isolate By Workset

Isolates Elements based on the selected Elements Workset. Connect to a Shortcut Key for fast activation.

156 Get File Details
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Cloud
156 Get File Details

Get the current models file path and C4R details. C4R files use GUIDs instead of file names, this tool help locate them.

157 View Renamer
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Sheet & View Manipulation
157 View Renamer

Rename Views to a Standards. The tool uses a series of fields to build up the view name.

Coming soon
2025-07-01·1 min read
by Chris McKeown
Coming soon

Place holder for help currently upder construction.