
007 Window Watcher Settings
2025-07-01·4 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Settings

Welcome to this demonstration on Bonus Tools - Window Watcher Settings.

Window Watcher Settings allows you to add Revit Window names you would like to either block and/or report on the windows activation as part of a Company Standard. This tool is primarily used to block/report on 'In-place Families' and 'Importing of CAD files'" This Tool will also record warnings created by individual users is required.

Blocking a window does just that, it blocks it and replaces it with a warning message.

Reporting on a windows activation writes to a log file listing the project and users name who activated the window. It also warns the user the window activation is being recorded.

  1. To run the tool, navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab, click on the drop down below About and select Window Watcher Settings.

    Ribbon Icon
  2. The Window Watcher Settings dialog box will appear.

    07 Window Watcher Settings

    Note: The dialog when opened will display all the Revit Windows that are being Reported on or Blocked, the report Directory and Write Warnings locations.

  3. To select a Directory to report window activations click on the button to the right of the path box.

    07 Window Watcher Settings
  4. Navigate to and select a directory.

    07 Window Watcher Settings

    Note if you do not select or enter a valid directory then Window Activations will not be recorded. Also note this directory must have write permissions for it to record correctly.

  5. To select a Directory to report Warnings click on the button to the right of the path box.

    07 Window Watcher Settings
  6. Navigate to and select a directory.

    07 Window Watcher Settings

    Note: If you do not select or enter a valid directory then Warnings will not be recorded. Also note this directory must have write permissions for it to record correctly.

  7. To Enter windows to record or block. Two common windows are “Family Category and Parameters” and “Import CAD Formats”.

    1. 07 Window Watcher Settings
    2. Click add to add a new row.
    3. Enter a Window Name.
    4. Tick Report if you would like to record Window activations.

      The below dialog will be displayed if the Revit Window is activated.

      07 Window Watcher Settings
    5. Tick Block if you would like to block a particular Window from being activated.

      The below dialog will be displayed in the Revit windows place.

      07 Window Watcher Settings
    6. Tick Silent if you would like the above Report and Warning Dialogues to not show.

    7. Once finished making changes to Window Watcher Settings, Click Ok.

      07 Window Watcher Settings

      Note: The changes will take effect next time you restart Revit.

  8. The Settings file can be found here: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\KCApps

    Comming soon. Settings files will have the ability to be set from the cloud via Bonus Tools

  9. A Sample Warning file output: Files are outputted by date and user.

    07 Window Watcher Settings

    Files can be opened in excel to analyse.

    Comming soon. Records will be saved to the cloud for review Bonus Tools

  10. A Sample Window Watcher file output:

    Files are outputted by date.

    07 Window Watcher Settings

    Files can be opened in excel to analyse.

    Comming soon. Records will be saved to the cloud for review Bonus Tools

Thank you for viewing this demonstration on Bonus Tools - Window Watcher Settings.
