
Comming Soon

  • REVIT 2019 - 2024 updated: using new Excel interaction, no more need for Excel Interop errors
  • All Tools - Update - Each tool remembers its last settings, applies to, Textboxes, Checkboxes, Dropdowns, Radio Buttons. Excludes Tables.
  • 149 Process Standards - Update - Added flexibility, Text types, Widthfactor, and help created.


  • New - Scopebox to view crop.
  • 19 Remove Unused Views - Fix - deletes all views.
  • 75 Family Type Renamer - Update - Check for duplicate tabs
  • 88 Element Properties - Update - All adjustment of the column sizes.
  • 88 Element Properties - Update - View Elements in linked file.
  • 91 Advanced Sheet Duplication - Update - To: Adjust grids, Set phases, Add colour legends, Hide hidden elements
  • 21 Sheet Duplication - Update - Duplicate Sheet with Legends and Schedules, but without Views.
  • 33 Excel Tools - Update - Add check box on Import to skip empty cells.
  • 125 Auto View Renamer - New - Automatically rename Views as they are Created.
  • 135 Print And Export - New - Print Sheets and Export the Model is issue.
  • 141 Constrained Elements - New - Lists all Constrained Elements within a View.
  • 147 Hatch Pattern - New - Create a Revit Hatch Pattern.

Bonus Tools 20-24-08-24

  • REVIT 2025!!!
  • This build has taken a little longer than expected, but we are excited to announce it is ready!!!
  • All excel export tools upgraded to remove the issue after a microsoft update.
  • All Topography tools now work with Toposolid.
  • Full rebuild from the ground up!!! A lot of bloat removed and speed increased.
  • 34 Shared Parameters - Update - Adding Dimensions, Rebar Set, Set, and Visualization
  • Licensing adjusted to use roaming profile only as part of a Autodesk request and ensure on update license file is not overriden.
  • Settings files moved to roaming profile.
  • Background work to allow for more settings to and stats to be viewed here:
  • 38 View Renamer - Update - Now works will all Parameter names.
  • 39 Align Sheets - Update - Added help text. Match text column pre-populates with View Name, change the text as required.
  • 49 Room/Area Point - Update - Feedback for each item in the output dialogue.
  • 06 Ribbon Settings - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 21 Sheet Duplication - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 22 Views to Sheets - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 29 View Template Usage - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 33 Export Categories - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 33 Export Formatted Cateogories - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 39 Align Sheets - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 39 Align Sheets - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 40 Copy Parameter Values - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.
  • 44 SheetEMup - Fix - Odd display due to Windows settings on some PC's fixed.

Bonus Tools 20-23-06-05

  • Licensing - ability to store license info under Roaming Profile due to permission issues with ProgramData.
  • 70 Folder Creator - Fix - Added better feedback when importing an excel file.
  • 91 Advanced Sheet Duplication - Fix - Revit 2021. Views were not duplicating due to a new feature added to handle dependant views.
  • 91 Advanced Sheet Duplication - Fix - Better feedback if a View fails to copy as a result of View Elevations (Levels) differing too much.
  • 91 Advanced Sheet Duplication - Fix - Suppression of all Revit Warnings during the copy process, to speed up the process.
  • 91 Advanced Sheet Duplication - Fix - Feedback placed on Output Dialogue, including all suppressed Revit Warnings during the copy process.
  • 91 Advanced Sheet Duplication - Fix - Closing opened Views as a by-product of the Revit copy process.

Bonus Tools 20-23-04-04

  • Revit 2024 enabled
  • Removal of old Network and Standalone licensing
  • To view the new tools below, please go to Ribbon Settings to enable.  
  • New -  149 Process Standards - A tool to align and manage Family standards within a Project or across a Company Library
  • New - 150 Clean C4R Files - Clears C4R files from user's profile.
  • New - 151 Reset & Sync - This tool automates 4 steps. Open the default View, Close hidden, Save and Sync.
  • New - 152 Reset, Sync & Compact - This tool automates 5 steps. Open the default View, Close hidden, Save, Sync and Compact.
  • New - 153 Workset Mover - Move selected Elements to the active Workset. Connect to a Shortcut Key for fast 
  • New - 154 Set Active WorkSet - Sets the Active Workset based on the selected Elements Workset. Connect to a Shortcut Key for fast activation. 
  • New - 155 Isolate By WorkSet - Isolates Elements based on the selected Elements Workset. Connect to a Shortcut Key for fast activation.
  • New 156 Get File Details - Get the current models file path and C4R details. C4R files use GUIDs instead of file names, this tool help locate them.
  • New - 157 View Renamer - Rename Views to a Standards. The tool uses a series of fields to build up the view name.

Bonus Tools 20-23-02-16

  • Fix - Revit 2022 / BIM 360 / Docs - Revit 2022 requires a specific version of Newtonsoft.Json.dll ( No other version of Revit has specially required a set .dll version before. This cause the bugs in builds: Bonus Tools-20-23-01-25, Bonus Tools-20-23-01-16, Bonus Tools-20-22-11-30, and Bonus Tools-20-22-11-14.

Bonus Tools 20-23-01-25

  • Found bugs:
  • Linked BIM 360 models not loading or browse-able using the new Cloud license method. 
  • Existing Network and Standalone licensing in this build works as expect with no impact on BIM 360
  • Fix - Licensing - Fix to old standalone license registration.
  • Fix - Tools that have a progress bar - will now close on failure.

Bonus Tools 20-23-01-16

  • Found bugs:

Bonus Tools 20-22-11-30

  • Found bugs:
  • Linked BIM 360 models not loading or browse-able using the new Cloud license method.
  • Official Autodesk release
  • Removed Revit 2018 support (please contact if required)
  • Minor licensing update
  • 115 Search Tools - Fix - Working again.

Bonus Tools 20-22-11-14

  • Found bugs:
  • Linked BIM 360 models not loading or browse-able using the new Cloud license method.
  • New licensing method introduced. There is now just one type of license, which pulls form a Cloud license server.
  • 31 Renumber SOP’s - Fix - Handling close of processing modal if no family was loaded.
  • 33 Excel Tools - Export - Fix - Checks if the file contains a Schedule.
  • 33 Excel Tools - Import Rooms - Fix - Close Processing dialog if Cancel is clicked.
  • 63 Element Overrides - Fix - Are Graphics Overrides Allowed check added.
  • 70 Folder Creator - Fix - Closing progress bar on failure correctly.
  • 85 Line Patterns - Fix - Are Graphics Overrides Allowed check added.
  • 91 Advanced Sheet Duplication - Fix - Enabling for other versions of Revit.
  • 114 Fill Patterns - Fix - Are Graphics Overrides Allowed check added.
  • 115 Search Tools - Known issue - Selecting a tool is not running the tool.
  • 118 Design Options List - Fix - Are Graphics Overrides Allowed check added.
  • 124 Update key plan - Fix - Check if the file contains sheets.
  • 138 Family Standards Advanced - Removed.
  • 142 KiwiCodes Audit - Fix - Providing feedback is setup is not correct.
  • All forms adjusted to add scroll bars if content expands outside the container.
  • Standalone license - validation update.

Bonus Tools 20-22-07-18(Stable working version)

  • General fix to remove correct an issue with Forge Parameters.
  • Additional feedback added for license issues.

Bonus Tools 20-22-06-15

  • 91 Sheet duplication - Fix - Duplicates section fixed
  • General fix to remove message about parameters.

Bonus Tools 20-22-03-28

  • Revit 2023 enabled.
  • General - Added additional error handling, can be enabled on Ribbon Settings.
  • 72 Workset Creator - Fix - Loading both xml and excel
  • 137 Keynote Browser - Fix - Added support for BIM 360 file paths

Bonus Tools 20-21-07-14

  • Updated Certificates
  • 102 Revision Cloud - Update - Allow export of all Revisions.
  • 145 Layer Properties - Fix - Report on Layers correctly.

Bonus Tools 20-21-03-25

  • Revit 2022 enabled.
  • Fix - Standalone license registration.
  • 031 Renumber SPO's - Fix - Processing dialog will not display if there are no elements to renumber.
  • 052 Renumber Categories - Fix - Export to excel button.
  • 123 Sub-Category Map - Update - Minor formatting enhancements.
  • 126 Family Info - Update - Removing built-in Dimensions.
  • 127 Style Output - Update - Removing built-in Dimensions.
  • 128 Relationships - Fix - Displays a message if not Element is initially selected.
  • 138 Family Standard Advanced - Fix - Message to display in Revit 2019 on that it is no longer available.
  • 146 Keynote Usage - Update - Reconnected the tool.

Bonus Tools 20-02-10-18

  • 06 Ribbon Settings - Addition - Added option to copy Journal files to a nominated folder. Sub folder of your name will be create followed by dated folder.
  • 71 RDS tool - Update - Naming sections fixed.
  • 142 KiwiCodes Audit - Update - Additional checks added, and examples of additional graphics added. Note: the method used for the families has changed.

Bonus Tools 20-20-04-22

  • All - Update - Export to Excel button now opens Excel.
  • 28 Reference Plane List - Update - Includes Subcategory within table.
  • 89 Open Views - Update - Now includes Sheets
  • 53 Show Warnings - Update - Skips adding parameters to Elements within a Group.
  • 105 Tag All - Update - Fix to leader check box.
  • 130 Review Warnings - Update - Skips adding parameters to Elements within a Group.
  • 134 Remove Other Sub Categories - New - Run within a Family, will remove all subcategories from other Categories.
  • 136 Export Revit Server Models - New - Lists all Models within Revit Server for this Revit Version for download.
  • 137 Keynote Browser - New - Modify and Assign Keynotes within Revit within a controlled dialog.
  • 138 Family Standards Advanced - New - A Washing Machine to clean Families.
  • 139 Pinned Elements - New - Lists all Pinned Elements within a View.
  • 140 List Elements in Views - New - Returns all Elements within a View via Excel.
  • 142 KiwiCodes Audit - New - Returns some basic stats about a File to a Sheet with a type called 'Splash-Screen'.
  • 143 Convert DWGs - New - Convert Linked CAD files to Revit Line Work.
  • 144 Material Usage Reassignment - New - View Material applications to selectively reassign.
  • 145 Layer Properties - New - Extract System Family Layer Properties.
  • 146 Keynote Usage - New - View Keynote Usage.
  • Revit 2021 enabled.

Bonus Tools 20-19-04-28

  • 137 Keynote Browser - added.
  • 77 Project Parameters - Fix - Loading Parameter with no Categories assigned.
  • 77 Project Parameters - Fix - Reliably updating Shared Parameters.
  • 77 Project Parameters - Fix - Highlighting Project Parameters. Project Parameters can not be updated via the API.
  • 94 2D Element Usage - Fix - Grouping by family name correctly.
  • 111 Shared Parameter Usage - Fix - Reliably updating Shared Parameters.
  • 111 Shared Parameter Usage - Fix - Highlighting Project Parameters. Project Parameters can not be updated via the API.
  • 123 Sub-Category Map - Fix - Processes multiple adds and deletes.
  • All - Update - 2019 Foreground and Background patterns enabled.
  • Revit 2020 enabled.

Bonus Tools 20-18-12-17

  • Addition - Network License Version working with SQL.
  • 81 Floor To Follow Floor - Fix - Accommodates when the second floors Height Offset From Level is not zero.
  • Fix - Release of Standalone License.
  • Addition - Standalone License will auto register if the following file is found with a valid License key: C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins/BonusTools.bundle/Contents/KCApps/KC Bonus Tools StandaloneKey.txt. If the file is empty the Standalone License will de-register.

Bonus Tools 20-18-09-26

  • Revit 2015 and 2016 load issue resolved.
  • Trail key fixed.
  • 18 Remove All Views - Update - No longer lists Revision Schedules
  • 32 Navisworks - Fix - Placing tags
  • 53 Show warnings - Update - Auto adjust row heights.
  • 53 Show warnings - Update - Clear button to remove old warning data from elements within the Active View
  • 53 Show warnings - Fix - Now working with Revit 2019
  • 56 Print Revisions - Update - Remove message when exporting DWG's.
  • 129 Relationships - New - Check relationships before deleting an Element.
  • 130 Review Warnings - New - Highlight and Isolate warnings in any view.
  • 131 Repath Revit Locally - New - Select Files locally to repath.
  • 132 Reload From Links - New - Use tool 133 first, then update the Excel for this tool to work.
  • 133 Export Links - New - Export to Excel a list of links and their details. Can be used to repath C4R links.

Bonus Tools 20-18-06-07

  • Revit 2019 fix.
  • 112 Dockable Dialog - Removed - Will still show for the following tools as their feedback window. 08 Family Tracking, 13 Dimension, 15 Elements On Level, 16 Inplace Families, 17 Referencing Files, 18 Remove All Views, 23 Group To Family, 28 Reference Planes, 29 View Template Usage, 31 Setting Out Points, 32 Navis To Revit, 33 Excel New Rooms, 33 Excel New Sheets, 34 Add Shared Parameters, 40 Copy Parameter Values, 41 Room Number To Door Number, 43 Place Family Types, 47 Areas Rooms To Mass, 52 Renumber Category, 58 File Coordinates, 59 Clash Importer, 67 Extensible Storage List, 71 RDS Tool, 73 Unused Elevation Markers, 75 Import Family Type, 78 Plan Regions, 79 Grid Alignment, 80 Revision List, 84 Scope Box Map, 85 Line Patterns Advanced, 87 3D Room Tag, 88 Element Properties Advanced, 90 Copy View Templates, 96 Room Paint Bomb, 98 Find Painted Elements, 99 Copy Scope Box, 100 Schedule Usage, 105 Tag All, 108 Add Project Shared Parameters, 110 Legend Usage, 111 Shared Parameter Usage, 112 Dockable Dialog, 114 Fill Patterns, 116 Line Styles, 121 Document Marcos, 122 Material Usage, 124 Update Key Plan
  • 113 Dockable Element Dialog - Removed - Pending further development.
  • 08 Ribbon Settings - Update - Supply Usage toggle to turn off/on. Each time a tool is activated, a record will be sent to Kiwi Codes. This allows us to focus development on those high use tools.
  • 08 Ribbon Settings - Update - Supply Warnings toggle to turn off/on. Each time a warning is created, a record will be sent to Kiwi Codes. This allows us to focus on fixing and removing bugs.
  • 35 View Filters - Reinstated.
  • 127 Style Output - New - Export Style information to Excel.
  • 128 Filter Usage - Number changed.

Bonus Tools 20-18-05-03

  • Supply Usage. Each time a tool is activated, a record will be sent to Kiwi Codes. This allows us to focus development on those high use tools.
  • Note: only tool activation will be recorded, no other action or data.
  • Supply Warnings. Each time a warning is created, a record will be sent to Kiwi Codes. This allows us to focus on fixing and removing bugs.
  • Note: only warning data will be recorded, no other action or data.
  • 56 Print Revisions - Update - Fix to run in Revit 2018.2 on wards.
  • 56 Print Revisions - Update - Select sheets based on sheet sets.
  • 75 Family Type Renamer - Update - Completes Proposed names with existing in Red.
  • 121 Document Marcos - New - Lists all Application and Document Modules. Bulk delete.
  • 122 Element Usage - New - Shows the Usage of Materials, Material Assets, Filled Regions, Fill Patterns, Line Patterns, Reference Planes and Filters.
  • 123 Sub-Category Map - New - Export and Import Category and Sub-Category settings.
  • 124 Update Key Plan - New - Bulk set or update intelligent Key Plans.

Bonus Tools 20-18-02-26

  • 120 Dynamic Warnings - New - Display warnings for selected items.
  • 07 Window Watcher - Update - Addition of run in silent mode.
  • 08 Ribbon Settings - Update - Changed Warning Tracker to separate by comma, instead of tab, i.e. to be CSV.
  • 08 Ribbon Settings - Fix- Auto Show Output.
  • 08 Ribbon Settings - Update - 113 Dockable Element Dialog turned off by default.
  • 08 Ribbon Settings - Update - 120 Dynamic Warnings turned off by default.
  • 38 View Duplication - Update - Removed all from the View Type drop down.

Bonus Tools 20-17-12-12

  • 06 Ribbon Settings - Update - Add drop downs to reduce ribbons.
  • 33 Excel Tools - Fix- Imports Built-in-parameters.
  • 37 Highlight 2D Elements - Update - Faster, choose not to colour elements.
  • 37 Highlight 2D Elements - Fix - No error when run on current view which is a sheet. Sheet Number and Name now listed.
  • 19 Unused Views List - Fix - Filters by Parameters.
  • 19 Unused Views List - Update - Outputs to dialog for checking prior to deletion.
  • 29 View Template Usage - Update - New grid and layout.
  • 35 View Filters - Update - New form for faster application.
  • 35 View Filters - Update - Enables changes to a filter visuals to be pushed back across other Views.
  • 56 Print Revisions - Update - Now working with Revit 2018.2.
  • 85 Line Patterns - Update - New grid and layout.
  • 92 Copy Plan Region By Parameter - Update - .
  • 93 Grid Alignment By Parameter - Update - Mirrors elbow.
  • 110 Legend usage - New - View which legends are in use. Delete those with confidence that are not.
  • 111 Shared Parameter Usage - New - Determined which Project and Shared Parameters have Values assigned to them prior to deletion.
  • 112 Dockable Dialog - New - Output dialog for all Bonus Tools tools.
  • 113 Dockable Element Dialog - New - View Element Properties as they are added/modified/deleted.
  • 114 Fill Patterns - New - View all Fill Pattern, Drafting and Model and bulk delete.
  • 115 Search Tools - New - Search and run a Tool. Struggling to find the tool you need? Search and run it from this dialog.
  • 116 Line Styles - New - View all Line Styles and bulk delete.
  • 117 3d Selection Box - New - Create a 3d from a Selection box.
  • 119 Areas To Rooms - New - Convert Areas to Rooms.
  • All tools - Update - Loading and Processing dialogs show with progress bar and cancel button. Cancel a process if taking too long.
  • 19 Unused Views List, 29 View Template Usage, 35 View Filters, 85 Line Patterns, 88 Element Properties 110 Legend usage, 111 Shared Parameter Usage, 114 Fill Patterns, 115 Search Tools, 116 Line Styles, use a new grid that allows for filtering.
  • 29 View Template Usage, 35 View Filters, 85 Line Patterns, 114 Fill Patterns, 116 Line Styles, now allow for a company standard overlay (name only)

Bonus Tools 20-17-05-21

  • Revit 2018 enabled.
  • 77 Project Parameters - Update - Clear Selected added.
  • 77 Project Parameters - Update - Filter Parameters and Categories.
  • 52 Renumber Category - Update - Export grid
  • 88 Element Properties - Update - Added column for family name.
  • 88 Element Properties - Update - Area Scheme listed with Areas are selected.
  • 88 Element Properties - Update - Select and go to view for only those that are ticked, same with go to view.
  • 89 Open Views - Fix - Open views error
  • 84 Scope Box Map - Update - select scope boxes
  • All - Add export CSV and Excel options.
  • 40 Copy Parameter Values - Update - Choice ElementId or string value.
  • 49 Room Area Point - Fix - To working with Revit 2016 R2 and Revit 2017
  • 77 Project Parameters - Fix - Skips null categories.
  • 08 Family Tracker - Fix - Isolated button location and control fixed.
  • 05 About - Update - Feed back on number of Network Licenses and those in use.

Bonus Tools 20-16-11-07

  • 102 Revision Clouds - new - Convert Revision Cloud data to a Revit Dummy Schedule.
  • 103 Wall Direction - new - Calculate the orientation a Wall i.e. N, S, E, W etc.
  • 104 Replace Line Styles - new - Swap all Model and Detail Lines within a View or Project with another Line Style.
  • 105 Tag All - new - Tag All Elements by one or more View.
  • 106 Schedule Browser - new - Browser Schedule by Category and Group by Prefix or Suffix.
  • 107 Next Number - new - Find the next sequential number for any Parameter.
  • 108 Project Shared Parameters - new- Add Project Parameters.
  • 34 Shared Parameters - update - To add Parameters to all types.
  • 38 View Duplication - update - Duplicate multiple View Types.
  • 38 View Duplication - update - Fix to apply View Template with straight View Duplicate.
  • All Grid based tools - update - Isolate and Restore buttons to reduce the selection set.
  • 71 RDS - update - Use Rooms from linked files.
  • 88 Element Properties - update - Additional columns to give more location information about 1 or more selected Elements.
  • 88 Element Properties - update - Select and go to Revit fixed to not try and find a View.
  • 53 Show Warnings - update - Put selected Elements in Revit's selection set, so Elements like Tags outside Room boundary can be easily fixed.
  • 75 Family Type Renamer - update - Export fixed.
  • 22 Views to Sheets - update - Works with Panel Schedules.
  • 14 Create Floors from Rooms - update - Fixed.
  • 82 Detail Group To View Map - update - Fixed to deal with Groups that excluded elements.
  • 76 Element Tracker - update - No longer adds Parameter for a user when the tool is deactivated.
  • 76 Element Tracker - update - Restores the original Shared Parameter file after a user Shared Parameter has been added.
  • 22 Views To Sheets - update - Remembers last View Type, Search Parameter and Sheet search Parameter.
  • 29 View Template Usage - update - Remembers last View Type.
  • 35 View Filters - update - Remembers last View Type.
  • 38 View Duplication - update - Remembers last View Type and Search Parameter.
  • 44 SheetEMup - update - Remembers last View Type, Search Parameter and Sheet search Parameter.
  • 56 Print Revisions - update - Remembers Sheet search Parameter.
  • 74 View Renamer - update - Remembers last View Type and Search Parameter.
  • 89 Open Views - update - Remembers last View Type and Search Parameter.
  • 92 Copy Plan Region By Parameter - update - Remembers last View Type, Search Parameter and Copy From Parameter.
  • 93 Grid Alignment By Parameter - update - Remembers last View Type, Search Parameter and Copy From Parameter.
  • 105 Tag All - update - Remembers last View Type and Search Parameter.

Bonus Tools 20-16-08-05

  • 90 Copy View Templates - new - Copy one or more View Templates from one or more Linked files.
  • 91 Advanced Sheet Duplication - new - Duplicate one or many Sheets from any File.
  • 92 Copy Plan Region By Parameter - new - Bulk copy Plan Regions between Views by Parameter.
  • 93 Grid Alignment By Parameter - new - Bulk align Grid 2D extents between Views by Parameter.
  • 94 2D Element Usage - new - View the relationship between Views and 2D Family Elements items.
  • 95 Family Standards - new - View the Family Standards.
  • 96 Room Paint Bomb - new - Bulk Paint Walls by Room Material.
  • 97 Room Paint Report - new - Report on Painted Walls, Floors, Ceilings and Roofs surrounding Rooms.
  • 98 Find Painted Elements - new - Find all Painted Elements with a Project.
  • 99 Copy Scope Box - Copy Scope Boxes between files.
  • 100 Schedule Usage - View what Sheets a Schedule is placed on.
  • 101 Select Title Blocks - Bulk change multiple Title Blocks.
  • 21 Sheet Duplication - Improved speed with Schedules
  • 22 Views to Sheets - Improved speed with Schedules
  • 44 SheetEMup - Improved speed with Schedules
  • All tools with Category Lists - Increased speeds on large projects.

Bonus Tools 20-16-05-05

  • 89 Open Views - New - Bulk open multiple View is one go.
  • 81 Floor To Follow Floor - Fix to remove error message.
  • 56 Print Revisions - Update - Export DWG's to Shared Coordinates. Select to Export only.
  • Deletion Tracker removed.

Bonus Tools 20-16-04-17

  • 76 Element Tracker - New - This tool will allow you to communicate to Consultants any changes within a week.
  • 77 Project Parameters - View and bulk assign Shared Parameters to Categories.
  • 78 Plan Regions - Bulk copy Plan Regions between Views.
  • 79 Grid Alignment - Bulk align Grid 2D extents between Views.
  • 80 Revision List - Lists all Revisions in a List.
  • 81 Floor To Follow Floor - Make a Floor follow another Floor.
  • 82 Detail Group To View Map - Check which Views, Details groups are added to.
  • 83 Create Area Lines - Quickly convert Detail Lines to to Area Lines.
  • 84 Scope Box Map - View which Scope Boxes are in use.
  • 85 Line Patterns - View all Line Patterns in the Project.
  • 86 Rename number Sheets - Quickly rename and number Sheets.
  • 87 3D Room Tags - Create 3d Room Tags using a Generic Model Family.
  • 88 Element Properties - Enter one or more Element ID's and View their Parameters.
  • 08 Family Tracker - Speed up initial load by adding a form to filter by Categories.
  • 08 Family Tracker - File size column added when Families are loaded with Paths.
  • 12 Change Text Case - Speed up initial load by setting selection set to Current View.
  • 13 Dimension List - Selection Set options added and initial load set to Current View to speed up initial load.
  • 18 Remove All Views - All Views, Sheets, DWGs and Revit files loaded into a grid. User selects the items they want to delete.
  • 22 Views to Sheets - Searches added to filter both Views and Sheets by a Parameter of your choice.
  • 31 Setting Out Points - Update - Choose to add points to base or top only or all.
  • 34 Add Shared Parameters - Select Parameter Group, add Values and/or Formula. If the Shared Parameter file is modified with additional columns for Group Parameter Under, Value, Formula & Type, when the tool loads the file it will populate the cells reducing in redundant work.
  • 36 Sheet Revisions - Searches added to filter both Sheets and Revisions by a Parameter of your choice.
  • 38 View Duplication - Searches added to filter Views by a Parameter of your choice.
  • 38 View Duplication - Assign a View Template.
  • 39 Align Sheets - Searches added to filter both Views and Sheets by a Parameter of your choice.
  • 44 SheetEMup - Searches added to filter both Views and Sheets by a Parameter of your choice.
  • 52 Renumber Category - Selection Set options added and initial load set to Current View to speed up initial load.
  • 56 Print Revisions - Fix to PDF printing.
  • 59 Clash Importer - Removed from Tool set.
  • 71 RDS Tool - Output added.
  • 74 View Renamer - Fix to View Type drop down.
  • Modified all Forms with Grids.
  • Output dialog retains text format when exporting to RTF

Bonus Tools 20-15-10-16

  • 75 Family Type Renamer - New - Rename Family and Type names to comply with Standards.
  • 74 View Renamer - New - Name Views based on a set of critera.
  • 73 Unused Elevation Markers - New - View and delete unused Elevation Markers.
  • 72 Workset creator - New - Quickly enable and create Worksets based on a template.
  • 71 RDS tool - New - Quickly create Views for each Room.
  • 70 Folder creator - New - Add place holder Views and Sheets into the Project Browser to guide users with filing of Views.
  • 69 Section Box to Scope Box updater - New - Compile a matrix list between Scope Boxes and 3D Views.
  • 68 Section Box To Scope Box - New - Makes a Section Box match a selected Scope Box.
  • 21 Sheet Duplication - Fix to Set Parameters error message.
  • 35 View Filters - Fix to form controls.
  • 34 Shared Parameters - Add Values and Formulas
  • 44 SheetEMup - Rename new Views by double clicking on new Sheets in the Change Parameters form.
  • 53 Show Warnings - Bug fix.

Bonus Tools 20-15-07-14

  • 64 Floor to Follow Topography - New - Make a Floor follow a Topography
  • 65 Floor to Match Topography - New - Make a Floor match a Topography
  • 66 Topography to Follow Floor - New - Make a Topography follow a Floor
  • 67 Extensible Storage List - New - Lists all Extensible Storage schemas within a Project
  • 33 Excel Tools - Export Category to Excel - Exports all families and types in a drop down box
  • 33 Excel Tools - Import from Excel - Swaps families by, reading changed families and types from the updated Export Category to Excel
  • Bug fix to 2015-06-24 Revit 2014 view manipulation tools: 21 Sheet Duplication, 22 Views to Sheets, 29 View Template Map, 38 View Duplication, 39 Align Sheets, 44 SheetEMup

Bonus Tools 20-15-06-24

  • 63 Element Overrides - New - View and remove Element overrides in a View.
  • 46 Highlight 3D Elements - New Parameter choices: Family, Family Type and Family and Type.
  • 33 Excel Tools - Dummy Schedule - Applies borders style of your choice.
  • 33 Excel Tools - Dummy Schedule - Allows you to overwrite an existing Revit Schedule.
  • 33 Excel Tools - Dummy Schedule - Remembers last excel file.

Bonus Tools 20-15-05-14

  • 06 Ribbon Settings - New Write Journal checkbox. By default turned off. If turned on, a log of startup will be written to a text file here: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/KCApps
  • 56 Print Revisions - Fix to Sheet Revisioning.
  • 36 Sheet Revisions - First 3 columns are locked for clarity.

Bonus Tools 20-15-05-07

  • 48 Location Point - Rounding the result down to 12 dpi to match Revit and remove unwanted accuracy.
  • 50 Import/Export Points - Rounding the result down to 12 dpi to match Revit and remove unwanted accuracy.
  • 62 Copy Monitored Elements - New

Bonus Tools 20-15-04-24

  • 59 Clash Importer - Allows you to specify your own parameters based on the XML file.
  • 60 View Underlay - Allows you to view and change Plan View underlays in bulk.
  • 29 View Template Map - Ability to drag Views between View Templates without disassociating it first.

Bonus Tools 20-15-04-11

  • 56 Print Revisions - now exports DWG, DXF, DWF, DWFx and DGN.
  • 09 3d Views for All Levels - Drill down to view the elements on a level by double clicking on a level.
  • 10 3D Views for all Worksets - Drill down to view the elements on a workset by double clicking on a workset.
  • 47 Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass - Prefix and Suffix to Material name.
  • Bonus Tools 2012 and 2013 no longer updated.

Bonus Tools 20-15-04-09 and Bonus Tools-20-15-04-10 

  • Update to Licensing.

Bonus Tools 20-15-04-08

  • 56 Print Revisions - new.
  • 57 DWF Markups - new.
  • 58 File Coordinates- new.
  • 33 Excel Tools-Dummy Schedule - new.
  • 33 Excel Tools-Export Category to Excel - Include linked files.
  • 33 Excel Tools-Export Formatted Category to Excel - Include linked files.

Bonus Tools 20-15-03-27

  • Excel Tools - Export Category to Excel - Custom sort exported Parameters.
  • Excel Tools - Export Formatted Category to Excel.
  • Excel Tools - Export Formatted Schedule to Excel.
  • Update to Licensing.

Bonus Tools 20-15-03-26

  • New Print Revisions - Print Sheets based on their Current Revision.
  • Copy Parameter Values - Replace, prefix or suffix to the existing value.

Bonus Tools 20-15-03-16

  • View Duplication - Fix to Replicate Dependant Views.
  • Copy Areas - Fix to push copied Areas to the select View.
  • Room Number to Doors and Windows - Fixes and better output dialog listing the changes.
  • Excel Tools - Import Excel- Fix to importing an exported Schedule

Bonus Tools 20-15-03-03

  • Views to Sheets - fix for removing views.
  • Renumber Parameter - remembers last value.

Bonus Tools 20-15-02-21

  • Show Warnings - Push warning descriptions and element ids to shared parameters for tagging and easy warning fixes.

Bonus Tools 20-15-02-20

  • Show Warnings - Fix to form load.

Bonus Tools 20-15-02-19

  • Category Renumber – New form to select Categories
  • Show Warnings - New from to parse the HTML file and give users better selection over Warings and Colours
  • 3D Views for Levels - New form to give allow users to select desired Levels, give feedback on element count per a level and adjustments to section box height.
  • 3D Views for Worksets- New form to give allow users to select desired Worksets, give feedback on element count per a Workset and Workset Id.
  • Renumber Parameter - Remembers last; category, parameter, number and window size.

Bonus Tools 20-15-02-16

  • Category Renumber – New
  • Show Warnings - New
  • Navisworks – Remove error when only one ElementId present.
  • Navisworks – Fix to Language incompatibility.
  • Change Case – Sentence Case Added.
  • Change Case – Compile a list of text for Change Text to skip over.
  • Change Case – Manual text adjustment.
  • Change Case – Show selected text.
  • Change Case – Additional column - View.
  • Change Case – Swap text types.
  • Change Case – Wrap Text.
  • Change Case – 2015 Current Selection fixed.
  • Areas or Rooms to Mass – Remember last mass name.
  • Areas or Rooms to Mass – selection set, current, current view, entire project.
  • Areas or Rooms to Mass – Area Scheme selection.
  • Door Window Room Number – Added an option to add suffix or not.

Bonus Tools 20-15-01-30

  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass - Fix removing error message when creating forms from Areas.

Bonus Tools 20-15-01-29

  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass - Fix.

Bonus Tools 20-15-01-28

  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass - Fix.

Bonus Tools 20-15-01-27

  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass - Quicker change over between Areas and Rooms.
  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass - Filter options.
  • View Duplication - Ability to apply Scope Boxes to Dependent Views.

Bonus Tools 20-15-01-18

  • SheetEMup, Copy Parameter and Excel Export Category forms - fix for Windows 8 PC display.

Bonus Tools 20-15-01-17

  • Copy Areas - New - Copy Areas between Area Schemes.

Bonus Tools 20-15-01-13

  • About Dialog - Network Version - Days to expire now shown instead of -1.

Bonus Tools 20-15-01-09

  • About button added to all form.
  • Button and F1 help added to forms.
  • Views to Sheets – Allowance for Panel Schedules.
  • SheetEMup – Allowance for Panel Schedules.
  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass – Fixed.
  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass – Allowance made for voids.
  • Network Licensing – You choose between ProgramData and Roam Profile location for settings and licensing information.
  • View Template Usage - Unwanted message removed.
  • Setting Out Points - Reset button paths fixed.
  • Navisworks - Reset button paths fixed.

Bonus Tools 20-14-12-04

  • Excel Tools - Export Category - Closing of Excel if no elements are found to export.

Bonus Tools 20-14-11-30

  • Excel Tools - Improved message for attempted exporting of a with no Elements
  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass - Ability to name multiple masses by two parameter instead or room GUID.

Bonus Tools 20-14-11-29

  • Excel Tools - 2015 - Fix
  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass - Ability to add materials by your choice of parameter
  • Copy Parameter Values - Additional features to append, suffix, replace or crop the original value.

Bonus Tools 20-14-11-28

  • Excel Tools - 2015 - Fix

Bonus Tools 20-14-11-22

  • Convert Areas or Rooms To Mass -New
  • Location Point - New
  • Room/Area Point - New
  • Import/Export Points - New
  • SheetEMup - New
  • Renumber Parameter - New
  • Highlight 3D - New
  • Ribbon Settings - Multiple Ribbons and name your panels - new
  • Ribbon Settings - choose your company logo
  • Excel Tools - User interface improved
  • Excel Tools - Reduction in parameters displayed (note: Project and Family parameters with the same name and definition will cause data errors.)
  • Excel Tools - Rogue message removed
  • View Template Map - User interface improved
  • View Template Map - Better search options
  • View Filters - User interface improved
  • View Filters - Better search options
  • View Filters - Fast add with right click add to filters to multiple selected views
  • View Duplication - Start-up tab changed
  • Align Sheets - User interface improved
  • Align Sheets - Choose Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Middle, Top Left or Top Right as the base point
  • Views to Sheets - User interface improved
  • Views to Sheets - Align with any view type
  • Views to Sheets - Choose Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Middle, Top Left or Top Right as the base point
  • Copy Parameter Values - User interface improved
  • Remove All Views - Includes DWG and Revit file
  • All tools - Ok/Cancel/Close buttons are all placed in similar locations
  • Place Points on Topography – 2015 fixed
  • Add Points to Topography – 2015 fixed

Bonus Tools 20-14-08-10

    Bonus Tools 20-14-07-10

      Bonus Tools 20-14-05-18

        Bonus Tools 20-14-04-07

          Bonus Tools 20-14-02-22

          • Sheet Revisions - New

          Bonus Tools 20-14-02-01

            Bonus Tools 20-14-01-24

              Bonus Tools 20-14-01-10

              • Shared Parameters - New

              Bonus Tools 20-13-12-10

                Bonus Tools 20-13-12-05

                • Excel Tools - Updates, including better reporting, minor fixes

                Bonus Tools 20-13-11-14

                  Bonus Tools 20-13-11-01

                    Bonus Tools 20-13-10-09

                    • Views to Sheets

                    Bonus Tools 20-13-09-13

                      Bonus Tools 20-13-09-12

                        Bonus Tools 20-13-09-11

                        • Navisworks to Revit - Revit 2014 allow for multiple dimension input types
                        • 3d View for Selected Elements - Updated - Remembers the last view created if prompted to do so by the user (to reduce the number of new 3D views created)and Revit 2014 allow for multiple dimension input types.
                        • Create Floors from Rooms - Updated - Revit 2014 allow for multiple dimension input types.

                        Bonus Tools 20-13-04-23

                          Bonus Tools 20-13-04-18

                          • Add Points to Topography
                          • Place Points on Topography
                          • Swap unwanted Groups out for Families

                          Bonus Tools 20-13-04-07

                          • Element Selector - By Id

                          Bonus Tools 20-13-03-27

                          • Setting Out Points
                          • View Template Map
                          • Update Referencing Sheets
                          • Reference Plane List
                          • Topography Surface Edge
                          • Sheet Duplication
                          • Section Creator
                          • Remove Unused Views
                          • Remove All Views
                          • Referencing File List
                          • In-Place Family List
                          • Elements on Level
                          • Dimension List (2014)
                          • Change Text Case
                          • 3d Views for Worksets
                          • 3d Views for All Levels
                          • Family Tracker Window
                          • Window Watcher Settings
                          • Ribbon Settings

                          Bonus Tools 20-13-03-20

                            Bonus Tools 20-13-02-21